Ghassan Kanafani: A Profile from the Archives

[Palestinian writer and author Ghassan Kanafani] [Palestinian writer and author Ghassan Kanafani]

Ghassan Kanafani: A Profile from the Archives

By : A Profile from the Archives ملف من الأرشيف

[”A Profile from the Archives“  is a series published by Jadaliyya in both Arabic and English in cooperation with the Lebanese newspaper, Assafir. These profiles will feature iconic figures who left indelible marks in the politics and culture of the Middle East and North Africa. This profile was originally published in Arabic  and was translated by Mazen Hakeem.]

Name: Ghassan

Last Name: Kanafani

Father’s name: Fayez

Place of birth: Acre

Date of birth: 1936

Date of death: 1972

Nationality: Palestinian

Category: Author

Profession: Writer and Journalist 


Ghassan Kanafani


  • Palestinian writer, playwright, journalist, and politician.
  • Born in Acre on 9 April 1936.
  • His father was a lawyer named Fayez and his mother was Aisha Al-Salem. After the Nakba of 1948, his family departed from Acre to Syria where he lived in Zabadani.
  • His brothers and sisters are Marwan, Fayzeh, Ghazi, Hassan, No’man, and Suha.
  • Started his study at Les Frères, a French missionary school in Jaffa. After his family`s displacement to Syria, he continued his studies in public schools. He completed his junior high school and in 1953, he started to teach at UNRWA schools in Damascus.
  • Completed his high school in 1955 and went Damascus University where he studied in the Arabic Literature Department for three years. He was expelled shortly thereafter for political reasons. He later graduated from the university and his thesis was titled “Race and Religion in Zionist Literature.”
  • In 1961, he got married to Annie, a Danish leftist activist, whom he met in Beirut while working the magazine Al-Horria (Freedom). Ghassan and Annie had two children--Fayez (24 August 1962) and Laila (12 October 1966). Annie remained in Beirut after his martyrdom and established the Ghassan Kanafani Cultural Foundation.
  • Met George Habash in Damascus while he was working as an emender at the Al-Rai printing house--a newspaper which was published by the Arab Nationalist Movement. He joined the movement in 1954.
  • Worked at Al-Rai newspaper in Damascus in 1955.
  • Joined his sister Fayzeh in Kuwait in 1955 and worked as an Arts and Physical Education teacher for five years.
  • Left Kuwait in 1960 to work in Al-Horria newspaper which used to be issued in Beirut. In 1963, he became the editor in chief of Al-Moharrer (The Editor) newspaper. In 1967, he became the editor in chief of the weekly supplement of Al-Anwar (The Lights) newspaper. In 1969, he became the editor in chief of Al-Hadaf (The Target), weekly magazine which was the mouthpiece of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).
  • Issued the Palestine supplement for Al-Moharrer newspaper in 1964.
  • Participated in putting the political statement for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine of which he was a member of the politburo and the official spokesperson in 1969.
  • He used the pen names Fares Fares or A. F. (for Abu Fayez).
  • Represented the Union of Palestinian Writers in the meetings of the executive office of the Union of Arab Writers in Cairo in 1971.
  • Went to jail multiple times; the last time was in 1971 on the charge of “slander and defamation” of King Faisal and King Hussein in Al-Hadaf magazine.
  • Assassinated on 8 July 1972 along with his niece Lamis in Al-Hazmieh district, near his house, via an IED which exploded underneath his car in Beirut by an agent of the Israeli Mossad.
  • Won the “Friends of Books in Lebanon” award for best novel in 1966 for his novel ma tabaqqa lakom (What is Left for You). After his assassination, he was awarded the World Press Organization Prize in 1974. Then in 1975, he was gifted the Lotus Prize which is awarded by the Writers Union of Asia and Africa. He was awarded the Order of Jerusalem for Culture and Arts in 1990.

[On the left, Ghassan Kanafani between his parents. On the right, Ghassan Kanafani with his wife Annie, the Danish political activist]


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  • Men in the Sun, Rijal fi al-shams, (1963). It was turned into a movie, al-makhdo’oun (The Deceived).
  • What is Left for You, Ma tabaqqa lakom (1966).
  • Um Saad (1969).
  • Going Back to Haifa, A’aid ila haifa, (1970).
  • Who Killed Laila Al-Hayek, Man qatal laila al-hayek, (1969).
  • The Owl in a Distant Room, Al boomah fi ghorfah ba’eedah (published in Al-Rai newspaper).
  • Fares Fares (1996).
  • Death of Bed Number 12, Mawt sareer raqam 12, (1961).
  • Land of the Sad Oranges, Ard al-bortaqal al-hazeen, (1963).
  • Resistance Literature in Occupied Palestine, Adab al-moqawamah fi falasteen al-mohtallah, (1966).
  • The Resistant Palestinian Writer Under Occupation, Al-adeeb al-falasteeni al-moqawem tahta al-ihtilal, (1968).
  • About Zionist Literature, Fi al-adab al-sahyooni, (1967).
  • The Door, Al-bab, (a play).
  • His works were translated into the following languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Hungarian, Polish, Dutch, Slovak, Czech, Russian, and Japanese.
  • Sobhi Al-Hadeedi, a critic, described Ghassan’s work by saying: “He was able to transport the image of Palestinians from that of an inspirational hero without any lineaments to an image of a novelist character which moves in a clear space of personal, political, social, and psychological history.”

[First part of the movie "The Deceived" based upon the novel Men in the Sun by Ghassan Kanafani] 


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      ملف من الأرشيف: سحر خليفة
                الاسم: سحر خليفةتاريخ الولادة ومكانها: ولدت في مدينة نابلس عام 1941 المهنة: كاتبة فلسطينية وناشطة في الحركة النسوية الفلسطينية،تاريخ الولاد
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Ghada El-Samman: A Profile from the Archives

[”A Profile from the Archives“ is a series published by Jadaliyya in both Arabic and English in cooperation with the Lebanese newspaper, Assafir. These profiles will feature iconic figures who left indelible marks in the politics and culture of the Middle East and North Africa. This profile was originally published in Arabic and was translated by Mazen Hakeem.] 

First Name: Ghada

Last Name: El-Samman

Father’s Name:

Mother’s Name: Salma Rweeha

Year of Birth: 1942

Nationality: Syrian/Lebanese

Place of Birth: Damascus

Category: Writer

Profession: Author

Ghada El-Samman

  • Syrian national; holds Lebanese citizenship.
  • One of the most famous female Arab writers and the most dauntless of all. She left a noticeable trace on modern Arabic literature.
  • Born in 1942 in Al-Shamiyeh village, near Damascus.
  • Her father, Ahmad El-Samman, was a university professor and the Dean of the Faculty of Law, and then the Minister of Education.
  • Her mother, Salma Rweeha, is from Lattakia.
  • Her brother is Bisher, and her sister is Zolfa.
  • Studied at the French School in Damascus; then at Al-Tajheez school where she obtained her high school diploma–scientific branch. Her father wanted her to become a doctor but she rebelled against his desire and joined the Department of English Language in the College of Arts at Damascus University.
  • Worked in a library and as an English teacher in one of the secondary schools in Damascus while she was still studying at college.
  • Worked as a lecturer in Damascus University and as a journalist and as a program coordinator at Damascus Radio Station.
  • In 1964, immediately after her graduation from Damascus University, she went to Beirut where she obtained her master’s degree from the American University in 1966. Her thesis was entitled “Literature of Absurdism.”
  • Between 1966 and 1969, she lived and travelled between Lebanon and Europe. She had a dispute with her family because of her insistence on her individual and financial independence.
  • Sentenced to three months in prison because, according to Syrian law, she left Syria without permission while still an employee. She was notified of the sentence in absentia while she was in London. She was fired from her job as a reporter for one of the Lebanese magazines immediately afterwards.
  • Started publishing stories in 1960. She published her first story in the Syrian newspaper Al-Akhbar. She then started publishing her stories in Arabic newspapers, particularly in the Lebanese magazine Al-Osboo’ Al-Arabi, until she became the most renowned name in the Arab world.
  • Got married to Dr. Bashir Al-Da’ook, the owner of Dar Al-Taleea for Printing and Publishing, in 1970. They have one son, Hazem.
  • Lived in Beirut during the peak of its cultural and urban prosperity. She contributed immensely in cultural activities and became one of the most prominent Arab novelists.
  • Left Beirut for Paris in 1976 after the outbreak of the civil war in Lebanon in 1975 and the deteriorating security in the capital. She frequently visited Lebanon until she finally settled in Paris in 1984. She started writing the last page on a weekly basis for Al-Hawadeth magazine.
  • In 1993, she caused a great stir in literary and political circles after she published a number of love letters written for her by Ghassan Kanafani in the 1960s. They were bound by a romantic relationship which was not undisclosed at the time.
  • Founded a publishing house under the name "Publications of Ghada El-Samman."
  • Collected her press articles in a series she called The Incomplete Works. It was published in fifteen books. She has nine books of poetic texts.
  • Her unpublished archive, which she put in a safe in one of the Swiss banks, includes a vast collection of letters.
  • Her works were translated into English, French, Polish, Spanish, Russian, Romanian, Italian, German, Persian, and Yugoslav among others.
  • After her husband died in 2007 and Al-Hawadeth magazine was discontinued, she has lived in seclusion in Paris and stopped publishing.



  • Departure of the Old Ports (1960); raheel al-marafi’ al-qadeemah.
  • Your Eyes Are My Destiny (1962); a’inak qadree.
  • Night of Strangers (1966); layl al-ghorabaa’.
  • Time of the Other Love (1978); zaman al-hob al-akhar.
  • he Body Is a Travel Suitcase (1979); al-jasad haqeebat safar.
  • Occupied Depths (1987): al-a’maq al-mohtallah.
  • Squared Moon (1994) Novels; al-qamar al-moraba’.
  • Beirut 1975 (1975).
  • Nightmares of Beirut (1976); kawabees beirut.
  • No Sea in Beirut (1962); la bahr fi beirut.
  • Exile Below Zero (1986); ghorbah tahta al-cifer.
  • Night of One Billion (1986); laylat al-millyar.
  • Loitering Inside a Wound (1988); tassako’ dakhel jorh.
  • The Impossible Novel: Damascene Mosaic (1997); al-riwayeh al-mostaheelah: fosayfosa’ dimashqieh.
  • Soiree Masquerade for the Dead (2003); sahrah tanakorrya lilmawtah.
  • Interrogating a Mutineer (2011); istijwab motamarredah.
    Poetry and Other Articles and Writings
    • Love (1973); hob.
  • I Declared Love on You – articles (1976); a’lnto al-hob a’laik.
  • Arresting a Runway Moment – poetry (1978); i’tikal lahzah haribah.
  • Stamping Memory with Sealing Wax (1979); khatom al-thakira bil-sham’i al-ahmar.
  • A Citizen Red-Handed in Reading (1979); mwatinah motalbisah bil-qira’a.
  • Swimming in the Devil’s Lake (1979); al-sibaha fi bohairat al-shaitan.
  • The Incomplete Works (1979); al-a’mal ghair al-kamilah.
  • Uncommitted Writings (1980); kitabat ghair moltazimah.
  • Siren Inside My Head (1980); saffarat inthar dakhel ra’si.
  • A Loaf of Bread Beating Like a Heart (1980); al-ragheef yanbodo kal-qalb.
  • A. G. Gazing (1980); a’in ghain tatafarras.
  • A Tribe Interrogating the Slain (1981); al-qabeelah tastajweb al-qateelah.
  • I Testify Against the Wind – poetry (1978); ashhad a’ks al-reeh.
  • The Antidote – poetry (1991); al-toryak.
  • The Sea Suing a Fish – Discussions (1986); al-bahr yohakem samakah.
  • Love from Vein to Vein – poetry (1980); al-hob mina al-wareed ila al-wareed.
  • Exile Below Zero (1986): ghorbah tahta al-cifer.
  • Desire of Wings – journey literature (1995); shahwat al-ajniha.
  • A Lover in an Inkwell – poetry (1995); a’shiqa fi mahbarah.
  • Yearning Letters for Jasmine – poetry (1996); rasa’il al-haneen ila al-yasameen.

Books About El-Samman

  • Ghada El-Samman Without Wings, Ghali Shokri (1977); ghada el-samman bila ajniha. 
  • Ghada El-Samman Love and War, Ilham Ghali (1980); ghada el-samman al-hob wa al-harb.
  • Arab Issues in Ghada El-Samman’s Literature, Hanan Audi (1980); qadaya arabiya fi adab ghada el-samman.
  • Ghada El-Samman’s Narrative Literature, Abdul Aziz Sabil (1987); al-fan al-riwa’i i’nda ghada el-samman.
  • Liberating Women in the Works of Ghada and Simone de Beauvoir, Najlaa Al-Ikhtyar (in French 1990).
  • Ghada El-Samman’s Mutiny and Commitment, Paolo Di Capua (in Italian 1991).
  • Ghada El-Samman in Her Incomplete works, Abdul Al-Latif Al-Arnaout (1993); ghada el-samman fi a’maliha ghair al-kamilah.
  • Sex in Ghada El-Samman’s Literature, Wafik Gharizi (2011); aljins fi adab ghada el-samman.

Her Positions

  • “I write about a nation which was the master of the house whereas his grandchildren have become beggars at the doors of civilizations,” Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, 14 November 1995.
  • “A novel does not become impossible until it is written,” Annhar, 25 September 1997.
  • “I’m a women without masks. Freedom is the key to my life,” Al-Watan Al-Arabi, 27 February 1998.
  • “I’m flared up, confused, tormented, injuring and injured in order to keep on writing,” Annhar, 19 October 1999.
  • “I’m Madame Beauvoir. I write what pleases me when it pleases me. I take pleasure in committing my mistakes,” Annhar appendix, 20 November 1999.
  • “I desire the liberation of women, not the subdual of men,” Al-Shiraa, 13 March 2000.
  • “Love is always fascinating. The best thing in a man is his flings because they prove he’s still alive.” Al-Syasah, 9 December 2001.
  • “My father protected my wings and I built my future using stones of the past.” Al-Anwar, 3 March 2002.
  • “Each novel for me is an independent adventure because I’m an amateur and experimental writer, not a professional who dumps novels in a product incubator.” Al-Mustakbal, 18 February 2003.
  • My homeland is not where my airplane lands. It’s the cloud that my heart inhabits.” Al-Qabas, 19 July 2005.“Why is it that when we learn how to write, it becomes mandatory for us to learn how to die.” Laha magazine, 25 June 2008.
  • “Literature is not prattle. It’s a written word that may stay or may get lost on road sand.” Al-Shiraa’, 5 December 2011